“In a number of passages she voices lines with care so acute that the middle and low registers (of the harp) were equally audible.”
“The single greatest pleasure of the afternoon was the warm tone Delaine Fedson got out of her harp and it’s clean, clear ringing tone in the sanctuary.”
“Fedson and Mahler have brought together an impressive assortment of works that show a wider range of expression than one might expect from such a gentle combination of instruments.”
“Soothing celestial sounds…”
“Cardamom and cloves…silk and perfume.”
“Maurice Ravel’s Septet, ‘Introduction and Allegro’, received a solid, highly charged reading. Fedson’s sensitive harp solos and assertive accompaniment were the glue for this performance…”
“She (flutist Helen Ann Shanley) and Delaine Fedson descriptively captured the multitude of coloristic effects — bell harmonics at Matins and Compline, swashes of light at Lauds, dissonant clashes at None.”